I credit your skill, perseverance and steady nature along with the extraordinary nature of this work, with moving one more soul along the path towards reclaiming one’s identity.
— Richard Welker


Hella Neumann

Michael, Story of the Month

Grave Stone

Long, Long Ago, So Many Generations Back

Michael came to our Family Constellation session to find out if there was any blockage coming from his ancestral line that could be preventing the healing of his prostate cancer.

We set up Michael and the prostate cancer. As the movements of the soul unfolded, we were guided to put a whole line of ancestors behind prostate cancer. The line got longer and longer, and the critical event seemed to be many generations in the past. In the attitude of acknowledging what is, we bowed to the event, honoring whatever happened. This created a loving, healing energy for Michael’s representative and the cancer.

A year later, Michael was in good health and traveled with his wife to Ireland, and found the village his family came from. They found a Christian memorial stone from the 1400s with his family name on it. They asked around in the village to find out the story.

There were seven brothers. One brother converted, in deep belief, to Christianity, while the six others retained their old beliefs. The Christian brother got angry. So passionate in his new beliefs, he killed his six brothers.

Such a huge event of one brother killing six siblings, committing murder in the family, will show up in the ancestral line for centuries. The need to represent the victims may skip two or three generations. Then another will step in to represent them again, with disease or premature death, until they once more have their place in the Family Soul

I met Michael recently – ten years after the constellation, in excellent health. He is now serving as a hospice volunteer.

Karin, Story of the Month

If We Ever Need Proof That Constellation Work Shows the Truth

Karin comes to do a constellation, stating that she needs help because she feels her “life force is seeping out” of her, making her feel tired and without energy. With no further questions, I decide to set up Karin, and her Life Force. Her representative and Life Force stand about 8 feet apart, slightly turned to each other. Karin’s representative immediately looked frozen, and was staring to the floor in front of her.

There are many ways people look at the floor: for instance, how mothers look at babies they lost, or like an (adult) child looks at a mother she lost early in her childhood, etc. This situation was quite unusual, not meeting any experience I, as a facilitator, had before.

I then put a man there on the floor. He stretched out on his back, as we do to begin with. Immediately he changed onto his side into a very twisted position.

I allowed some time for the Movements of the Soul to rise. Following my intuition, I turned to Karin sitting in the circle, asking her, “Did you have a traumatic event early in your life?” First, she answered, “No.” Thinking a little longer, it suddenly sparked up in her memory, and she told that, early in her twenties, a drunk man jumped from the side of the road right in front of her car, so that she ran over him and the man got killed.

At that point, I put Karin into her place in the constellation, and she looked in terror at that man, and she said, “He is laying here exactly like the man was laying in the street.”

In a while, I had Karin say to the man, “I carry my part of the responsibility for what happened here. And I leave yours with you.” After a light bow, Karin had a sigh of relief, and looked friendly to Life Force, which was waiting patiently for her to make contact.

Emily, Story of the Month

A Classic Situation Played Out By a
One-and-a-Half-Year-Old Girl

A young couple in their early twenties come to our constellation group, bringing their one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Emily, with them. After a break, we gathered in the circle again. Emily slipped down from her mother’s lap, and walked around the circle, pointing with her finger again and again to different participants, every time saying the word, “Angel.” We were really surprised by what she did and that she could already say that word. It was as if she was really seeing angels.

She returned to her mother’s lap, and the constellation for Emily’s father began. His mother had died recently, and we were led to the situation of having her representative on the floor and the client (the father of Emily) sitting on the floor next to his dead mother. We were in the process of creating a farewell ritual between them.

At the very moment when sadness welled up in the young man, his little girl walked into the constellation and positioned herself right in front of her father’s face so he could not see his Mother any longer. I, as the facilitator, tried to continue with the constellation by motioning to the father to move over a little bit so he could see his mother again. Immediately Emily moved to block her father’s view once more.

Isn’t she showing us how she, out of love, is willing to take on a role to ease her father’s pain about the early loss of his mother, and to represent his mother for him? This is a classic situation that we meet often in constellation work, and has rather serious consequences for such a little girl and a father which will ask for later healing.

Laurianne, Story of the Month

Laurianne's painting

The painting here, “Soul’s Journey,” came about by wanting to experience the green and blue of earth and sky. The stones were those I collected from a lake. Sewing the three stones with varying colors of embroidery thread directly onto the canvas seemed fun! The leaves were added and the roots below to ground the flames.

Six years later, in a Family Constellation, three mysterious deceased beings appeared … the babies I had decided not to bear. I had not gone into the session to explore this issue, had told no one and had not been thinking about them. I went home that evening and was stunned to see the painting in my kitchen. The thread colors are pink and blue; the larger stone in the middle sewn with blue thread. I moved the painting to a place where I could see it when going to sleep and have been treasuring the image even more since then. I guess I have always been connected to my unborn babies, missed them, and never “knew” it. In the constellation, after blessing them and giving them a place in my heart, they were happy for me to flourish in this life.

A stranger had earlier written me a caption while viewing the painting as it hung in a show. He explained that it was a portrait of “the soul’s journey from mineral to spirit.” I was dumbfounded! Of course! That’s what it is.

Laurianne Fiorentino, www.lauriannefiorentino.com.

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