I credit your skill, perseverance and steady nature along with the extraordinary nature of this work, with moving one more soul along the path towards reclaiming one’s identity.
— Richard Welker


Hella Neumann

Seen and Unseen

Currently I am a student in Hella’s foundation training for Family Constellations and was having my own constellation done in the Master Class on a particular Sunday. As I am embarking on bringing my professional work to the world in a more significant way, I decided to address this in the constellation.

During the intake conversation, it became apparent an underlying issue was about not being seen, so we investigated how “seen” and “unseen” moved in the family field. What a gift that constellation was to everyone in the room as the resolution emerged, the “seen” part enlivened, and light energy poured into the field from unseen realms!

Three weeks later, I was out and about in downtown Santa Fe in one of my favorite stores and a woman stopped and asked me if I was Virginia. She was visiting from out of town and had recognized me from a photo on my website. After our first phone call, she booked a session with me, and then after that session, booked a second while she was still in town. I was stunned to be called out by name by someone I hadn’t known.

“Seen,” indeed!

I feel deep gratitude and awe for the way this work continues to be brought through by wise and sensitive Hella and her community in Santa Fe.

~ Virgina, Santa Fe

A Constellation Practitioner writes…..

The most powerful experience I had was in a private counseling session with a woman whose birth happened because her mother had been raped by a drug dealer. She never could connect to the love because she felt the violence of her birth more than the love. As she opened to the power of life force in our session she connected to the love that held the violence … no denial of the truth of it…she imagined her father in front of her and after expressing her deep rage and then grief she accepted the life that was hers to live. We both cried during her realization that… even though…violence was there…the power of life was also there and now she could use her circumstance as a doorway to her empowerment…I felt privileged to be a part of midwifing her into her greater capacity to celebrate her life… in the midst of it all and perhaps deeper… because of it all.

To me that is the key and the beauty of this work. To integrate it all… no denial and no holding on to the victimization…but using it all for empowerment and greater capacity to celebrate life…and all that comes with it.

Thank you Hella.

Blessings always and deep aloha,

~ Naomi, Santa Fe

A Story I will never forget…

It happened at least 10 years ago and every so often we want to hear these beautiful words in our workshops again.

Ted’s intention for his Constellation was clear and conceive: “I cannot eat”.

We set up Ted and food with representatives.

After a few minutes of food offering itself to Ted, Ted ran out the door. Hella’s comment: Good that he did not close the door; because that would mean he is hopelessly lost to death.

It took a while for Ted to come back, but he still could not accept food. At this point Hella froze the Constellation and brought in a third unnamed representative.

Ted and the third person looked at each other for a long time, then Hella asked Ted how he felt. He responded that: “It is as if there is a rainbow arc of love going between our two heads and we are exchanging molecules”.

They hugged in big love and it was obvious that the unnamed third person represented a twin lost in utero.

And what made it even more stunning was that the representative chosen for Ted was a twin himself!

PS. At this time the concept of a vanishing twin became known in the Constellation Work: The surviving twin is watching the vanishing twin declining and eventually dying while he himself is prospering and growing. That is a deeply traumatic experience with many consequences for later life. Among other symptoms the surviving twin often refuses to eat or eats for two.

~ Story told by Hella

The Joy of a Family Soul Restored

…an email from Sigrid:

Dear Hella,

I did my first Constellation in 2001.

We set up the 3 marriages of my father with all of his children: 5 girls from his first marriage, then twins and myself with my mother, followed by my brother, his only son, with his 3rd wife.

We set up my complete family. To my surprise you placed a second boy next to my brother. Why, I was asking myself all these years!

Uuuuh, writing this I am getting goose bumps all over!

Today the truth came out, my siblings were talking on Facebook and they found out, that my brother has a half brother from the first marriage of his mother.

So it was perfectly right what you did 12 years ago!

I am overjoyed and celebrating you, Hella, and the work you are doing for all of us. I am in bliss and do not find the words to express my joy. I know you will understand.

Many thanks again, …

Wuppertal, July 2013

Eine Familie, endlich vollständig

…eine email von Sigrid:

Liebe Hella,

meine erste familienaufstellung war ungefähr 2001.

es ging um die drei ehen meines vaters mit all seinen kindern: 5 mädchen aus seiner ersten ehe, dann die zwillinge und ich selbst mit meiner mutter, gefolgt von meinem bruder mit seiner dritten frau. du wolltest meine gesamte familie aufstellen, neben seinen einzigen sohn hast du damals einen zweiten jungen gestellt, wobei wir beide nicht wussten wieso.

puh, mir rieselt beim schreiben eine gänsehaut nach der anderen über den körper.

heute hat sich nun (durch gespräche unter den geschwistern auf facebook) herausgestellt, dass dieser bruder einen halbbruder hat, nämlich ein kind aus der ersten ehe seiner mutter.

es war also absolut richtig damals!!!

ich bin ganz hin und weg und freu mich so über dich und deine arbeit, die du uns zugute kommen lässt! ich bin einfach nur begeistert und weiß nicht, wie ich es noch in andere worte packen kann. aber du verstehst mich schon, das weiß ich.

nochmals danke für alles, liebe hella..

Wuppertal, July 2013

Bee, Story of the Month

Finding her son after 34 years

I had heard of Constellation work many years ago thru a German friend and had friends in New York who studied with Mr. Hellinger himself. A few years after my divorce in 05, I heard of Hella and a weekend retreat that was happening so I decided to take the retreat as a “Representative” and not as a direct participant. My main reason for taking the workshop was to find resolution regarding giving my son away for adoption at birth-at that time he would be about 34. During the workshop I was asked to participate several times in people’s “Constellations” and was, a couple of times, cast in the role of a mother who had abandoned her child, another time as a Grandmother, my own story unknown to Hella or the participants as I was just an observer for the weekend. While there were some painful moments, I felt that the coincidence of me being cast into those roles somehow sent out some waves of resolution starting deep inside of me and emanating out hopefully to embrace my son.

And sometime around this time-and Hella I didn’t tell you this and I can’t remember if it happened before or after the workshop-an event happened. It was Mother’s Day, a beautiful May morning and I went for a bike ride and was riding around St. Vincent’s Hospital, weaving in and out from different buildings. At one point, I came to the end of a sidewalk between buildings and there in life size, was a sculpture of a young mother giving birth. She was naked and crouched down on bent legs spread apart with the head of her child fully exposed and free of her vaginal canal. It stopped me in my tracks and I got off the bike and sat with her for a long while feeling surely that I was receiving the dashing of Motherhood.

I went home at that point to prepare breakfast for myself and a friend and still with the strong image of the sculpture in my mind, the phone rang. I saw that it was from California and when I picked up the receiver, an African-American voice on the other end of the phone shouted “Happy Mother’s Day!!” My heart stopped because my son’s father is an African descent from the island of Antigua and I always fancied that the people who adopted him in Puerto Rico would move and raise him in the states.

I asked, “Who is this?” He said, “I’m looking for my mother-is this Santa Fe?” Yes, I said and he asked if I knew his mother or her friends…I said No. He said,” well I guess I have the wrong number, I’m sorry.” I gathered all my strength and said, “Are you sure you have the wrong number?” Well, yes, he said. I asked how old he was and he said 53. I said, “Oh, I thought you might be somebody else.”

The phone call, combined with the statue sighting, made me feel my son was getting closer to me.

In 2011, I was in a singer songwriter concert at the center for spiritual living, and there I sang publicly a song that I had written for my son a couple of years prior. The song was called “Sky Blue” as that was the name I gave him in the hospital before leaving him there and the name that is on his birth certificate.

That was the Friday before Thanksgiving that year. On Monday, I came home from work and there were 2 messages, the first from a Puerto Rican accented woman’s voice calling from Florida with the same prefix as my 90 year old Father. I wondered if something was wrong but the voice was so cheerful, saying “we can’t wait to meet you, please call us anytime!” She was saying that the call was in regards to “blah blah”, I just couldn’t understand what she was saying. Later she told me that she thought maybe I wouldn’t understand her accent, so she typed out a text to landline message that came across as a computer-generated voice. So the next message said the following, “Hallo, this message is from Sky Blue. If you are Elizabeth call this number anytime and God bless you!” I stood shocked, wondering if someone from Friday’s audience having heard my song was making a joke. Then I thought, No, this is the phone call I’ve been waiting for all these years.

I called my son within a half hour after collecting my courage. We talked for an hour without hesitation. It was his friend and ex-wife Rosa who had called me and left the message. Rosa, he told me, is also the mother of your two grandchildren, Kevin then 12, Angelica, then 10. I asked how he found me. His mother had died 6 months prior and his Uncle called and needed the info in that sealed envelope that he had given him when he went to P.R. for the funeral and which he just had not opened. It was the adoption documents and when he opened them he saw for the first time my full name and his full name. He googled those names and up came an old adoption registration website that I setup 12 years prior with all my contact information.

We conversed easily for some time and he asked me pointed questions and I answered as honestly as I could. When I told him that his biological Grandfather lived in Port St. Lucie, he fell silent for a long moment, then said, “I live in Port St. Lucie.”

That very evening, I sat down and wrote a long email to family and close friends. My 9 brothers and sisters and their families were more than thrilled and deluged him with phone calls and emails and photos. On Thanksgiving my 90 year old Father called him and invited him to his house with the children. Turned out they live 5 minutes away from Grandpa! When Dad came to the door to let them in, Grandfather and Grandson faced each other for the first time and my son told me later, “I thought, My God! I look like him!

I have seen them now several times, the first time, of course, being very phenomenal.

I have always felt that the constellation work played a role in bringing my son closer to me and into my life.

Bee Zollo

Beth, Story of the Month

So simple and so effective….

Beth came to our group a few months after she had started to work at a new office. Basically she liked the job and the group of people she worked with. She shared her office with one other person. This woman was unfriendly and hostile right from the beginning. Beth had tried different acts of kindness with no results.

We set up Beth and the coworker.

Immediately the energy was calling to set up the coworker’s mother behind her. The coworker turned around and addressed her mother with aggressive anger. Beth felt relieved and free. She told her coworker “I am not your mother, please do not confuse us, your anger belongs to your mother, not to me.”

This was a brief and simple Constellation, which we did on the Sunday afternoon of a 2 day workshop. Later Beth reported, that there was an immediate and profound change on Monday morning and that they since have worked together in a friendly atmosphere.

Copyright © 2019. Hella Neumann. All rights reserved. Website by FZK